ShowSize is now discontinued

Important note for earlier customers!

The last stable version released was 6.0.4. If you have that version, it should continue working without any problems on Windows.

If you have not saved the installer and license codes, please check your last purchase email. If you have purchased within the last 2 years, the download link should still be working. Please save that installer EXE file along with the license codes from the purchase email in a safe place on one or more computers or on a cloud drive like Dropbox. That way you can install ShowSize on other computers even if the download link stops working in future.

Get File Tree App from Microsoft Store:

We are still maintaining the ligher App File Tree on Microsoft Store where it is easier to maintain. File Tree has some disk space related features of ShowSize but its main purpose is to let the users view and print folder trees. You can call it a "light" version of ShowSize with an easier interface.